Amy is well remembered by the Maybrey family for her kindness and care whilst we lived in Milton Keynes. The most striking memory is when in April 1991, shortly after taking over as Churchwarden from me, she agreed to baby sit our son when I delivered our second child, little did either of us know that she would be sitting on our stairs as I gave birth on the hall floor to our second son. A night not to forget and we will not forget Amy. With love,prayers and condolences Fiona, David, Torban, Conor and Reuben
22nd February 2022
Memories of Amy from Margaret Smith
In 1952 I was working as office junior at the Association of Assistant Mistresses when Amy joined the staff. For her it was her second appointment as she had been a secretary in the office of a Labour MP. We were quite a small staff at the AAM and we got on very well together and quite often would go out after work for a meal or a theatre visit. We went to the Ambassador (?) Theatre to see The Mousetrap with its original cast of Richard Attenborough and Sheila Sim.
By the 1960s I was married and living in Kenya with two small children when Amy came to Nairobi to work as a Court shorthand writer. We met up regularly and after the birth or our youngest daughter Elizabeth, Amy became her godmother.
Amy was an active member of Lavington Methodist church in a Nairobi suburb and also had friends involved in local secondary schools and missionary work. She moved from court work to a firm of accountants and became the Company Secretary. On 12th December 1963 Amy attended the Handing Over Ceremony when Kenya became independent led by the Duke of Edinburgh.
We left Kenya in 1968 and Amy returned to the UK some time later. We lived quite near each other when Amy lived in Beckenham and we met very regularly. In the year that Amy was President of the Women's section of the Institute of Company Secretaries she invited us to the annual dinner at the Cafe Royal at which Dame Cecily Saunders was the guest speaker.
After Amy retired and moved to Milton Keynes we would meet up 2 or 3 times a year. This continued after she moved to the nursing home until the Covid lockdown meant we could not visit. It was sad that for the last three years she was no longer able to recall her interesting life and her many friends.
For nearly 70 years she was a good and generous friend to me and to my family.
19th February 2022
I knew Amy when I was a young VSO volunteer in Nairobi in 1967. We both attended the Lavington Methodist Church. She was such a good friend to me, giving me lifts, taking me out on trips into the fascinating surrounding countryside, cheering me up when I was homesick and generally being a support. She was a popular and fun person to be around. We both left Nairobi at the same time and spent a memorable 4 days in Jerusalem on our way back to the UK. We kept in touch for many years and I last saw her about 10 years ago.
I remember her to be a generous, kind, successful, strong person and my thoughts are with her family at this time.
Elisabeth Lloyd (nee Jeffreys)
17th February 2022